An Assessment of Multidimensional Knowledge Competency of Vocational Technical Teachers in Technical Education Students


  • Sukanya Boonsri Chulalongkorn University
  • Kamonwan Tangdhanakanond Chulalongkorn University
  • Sirichai Kanjanawase Chulalongkorn University


knowledge competency, vocational technical teachers, Bachelor of Science in technical education


This research aimed to 1) assess the multidimensional knowledge competency of vocational technical teachers in technical education students and 2) compare the multidimensional knowledge competency of vocational technical teachers among different majors. Nine hundred thirty-six senior students studying in Technical Education Program at a Rajamangala University of Technology in Thailand were selected to be the research subjects by using multi-stage random sampling method. A research instrument was the knowledge competency multiple-choices test for vocational technical teachers. It was found that 1) most of the students did not pass the assessment of the teacher knowledge performance (65.92 percent) and the professional knowledge and industrial capacity (58.76 percent). 2) The multidimensional knowledge competency of vocational technical teachers in the field of teacher knowledge and professional knowledge and industrial capacity differed significantly according to the majors at the .05 levels.


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How to Cite

Boonsri , S. ., Tangdhanakanond , K. ., & Kanjanawase, S. . (2020). An Assessment of Multidimensional Knowledge Competency of Vocational Technical Teachers in Technical Education Students. Journal of Education Studies Chulalongkorn University, 48(3), 349–369. retrieved from