The Creation of Multimedia Folk Song Tales for the Conservation of Folk Songs for Kindergarteners


  • Rattaya Chuarklang Suan Dusit University Suphanburi campus
  • Sudthipan Dhirapongse Suan Dusit University
  • Chalapich Boonchitsitsak Suan Dusit University Suphanburi campus


folk songs, folk song tales, conservation of folk songs, multimedia, kindergarteners


The purposes of this study were 1) To survey attitudes, awareness and appreciation of folk songs tales 2) To create and study the result of using multimedia folk songs tales for the conservation of folk songs for kindergarteners. The participants of the study were 259 kindergarteners, aged 5-6 years, from kindergarten schools in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, Nakhonpathom and Suphanburi provinces.The research methodology was a research and development. The research procedures comprised 4 phrases. First, to studied basic information, attitudes, awareness and appreciation of folk songs tales, the participants of this phrase was          1) school administrator 2) teachers and 3) kindergarteners. Second, to developed multimedia folk songs tales. Third, multimedia folk songs tales were tried out about 20 minutes per day, 3 days per week totally 7 weeks. Fourth, present the completed multimedia folk songs tales. The results of research found that the developed multimedia as 7 folk songs tales, user’s manual and 21 activities planning with DVD by after using founded that kindergarteners had the average of conservation of folk songs tales behavior higher than the old one at the 0.05 statistically significant level.


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How to Cite

Chuarklang, R. ., Dhirapongse, S. ., & Boonchitsitsak, C. . (2020). The Creation of Multimedia Folk Song Tales for the Conservation of Folk Songs for Kindergarteners. Journal of Education Studies, 48(3), 316–331. Retrieved from