Development of Thai Performing Arts Costume Subject for Undergraduate Students of Thai Performing Arts


  • Chatchai Kreanprasert Chulalongkorn University
  • Intira Phrompan Chulalongkorn University


development of subject, Thai performing arts costume, students of Thai performing arts


The purpose of this research was to developing Thai performing arts costume subject for Undergraduate Students. The sample of this study were specialist or artists whom expertise in creating Thai performing arts costume, selected from purposive sampling method, Creating Thai performing arts costume teacher and undergraduate Thai performing arts students. Data was gathered by using In-depth interview, Expectation questionnaires. The data was analyzed by mean and standard deviation.

The research findings were shown as follows: 1) The conclusion from the expectation questionnaires in undergraduate students, suggested that should be inserted other knowledge to develop skills in creative conservation (M = 5.00) followed by the learner likes to do actual work and applying knowledge after learning to their work (M = 4.98) 2). The interview results from expertise and specialists in Thai performing art for undergraduate students suggested 6 aspects including: 1) objectives for teaching, 2) Contents, 3) activities curricular, 4) teaching methods, 5) Evaluation, and 6) references that focused in learning process to makes the learner appreciate and can use in the occupation.


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How to Cite

Kreanprasert, C. ., & Phrompan , I. . (2020). Development of Thai Performing Arts Costume Subject for Undergraduate Students of Thai Performing Arts. Journal of Education Studies, 48(3), 90–105. Retrieved from