Integrated Teaching and Learning Management for the Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills: Learning to Practice


  • Jirachapan Chanchang Chulalongkorn University Demonstration Elementary School


integrated instruction, higher order thinking skills


Integrated instructional management enables learners to understand the content in a holistic manner and see the correlation between each subject. It can also link other meaningfully related content, leading students to develop higher-level thinking. In addition to the integration activities, group learning or interdisciplinary, it makes the students think of linking and analyzing from practice, not just through the memorization of textbooks. Moreover, students have fun learning. They have better interaction with teachers and classmates, and further develop their moral skills.


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How to Cite

Chanchang, J. (2020). Integrated Teaching and Learning Management for the Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills: Learning to Practice. Journal of Education Studies, 48(3), 78–89. Retrieved from