Development of Learning Outcomes by Creating a Learning Environment Based on Working in Real Conditions


  • อลงกต ยะไวทย์ Vongchavalitkul University
  • ณัฐวัฒม์ วงษ์ชวลิตกุล Vongchavalitkul University




he objectives of this study were 1) to study and create learning environments for working in real conditions, and 2) to compare learning outcomes before and after implementation. The sample groups in this study consisted of 20 students of high vocational certificate level and 20 industrial supervisors, 16 students at the Bachelor’s degree level and 16 industrial supervisors in six workplaces. Research tools were comprised of learning outcomes and environment system. Data analysis consisted of mean, standard deviation and t-test for comparing learning outcomes  before and after implementation.

Research Results

  1. 1. The learning environment system for working in real conditions was based on 6 elements consisting of 1) preparation, 2) learning and teaching in real conditions, 3) consultation, 4) development from learning outcomes arrangement, 5) management of assessment and continuous improvement and 6) learning outcomes from working step. The assessment of the learning environment was satisfactory at a strong level.
  2. 2. The results of comparing the score level average of the learning outcomes before and after implementation for working in real conditions found that learning outcomes after implementation were higher than before implementation at a .01 significant level.



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How to Cite

ยะไวทย์ อ., & วงษ์ชวลิตกุล ณ. (2019). Development of Learning Outcomes by Creating a Learning Environment Based on Working in Real Conditions. Journal of Education Studies, 47(Suppl. 2), 408–428. Retrieved from