Effects of Deductive Learning Method in Mobile Learning Environment on English Learning Achievement and Learning Motivation of 4th Grade Students with Different Learning Abilities


  • แคทลียา ศรีแปลก Chulalongkorn University Demonstration Elementary School Email




This experimental research aimed to 1) compare the English learning achievement of students who were taught by the deductive learning method in a mobile learning environment and students who were taught by a conventional learning method, 2) compare before and after of English learning achievement of students who were taught by  deductive learning method in a mobile learning environment,  3) compare English learning achievement of students who were taught by the deductive learning method in a mobile learning environment with different learning abilities, 4) compose the motivation levels of students who were taught through mobile and conventional learning style, and 5) compose motivation levels of different ability groups who have been solely taught through the deductive mobile learning method. The samples were students in grade 4 at Chulalongkorn University Demonstration Elementary School.  The research instrument consisted of 4 lesson plans, exercise in mobile learning environment, the English achievement test and learning motivation questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, dependent sample t-test Independent sample t-test and one-ways ANOVA. The research findings were as follows: The experimental group had higher English learning achievement than the control group at statistically significant level 05. Moreover the student had English learning achievement before being taught by deductive learning method in mobile learning environment higher than after at statistically significant level .05. There were on statistically significant differences in terms of the mean of English learning achievement between student groups of different learning abilities at a statistically significant level .05. Overall, motivation levels of students from mobile and conventional learning methods showed no major difference beyond a significant level .05. Students of different ability levels who partook in the mobile learning method showed varying motivation within a significant level .05. Students in the higher ability group showed a greater level of motivation in comparison to the intermediate level group.

Author Biography

แคทลียา ศรีแปลก, Chulalongkorn University Demonstration Elementary School Email

Teacher, Department of Foreign Language, Chulalongkorn University Demonstration Elementary School



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How to Cite

ศรีแปลก แ. (2019). Effects of Deductive Learning Method in Mobile Learning Environment on English Learning Achievement and Learning Motivation of 4th Grade Students with Different Learning Abilities. Journal of Education Studies, 47(3), 98–117. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDUCU/article/view/218821