The Development of Learning Innovation on Digital Platform Based on Constructivist Theory with Animated Cartoons to Promote Critical Thinking Skills and Learning Achievement of Grade 3 Students

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Parichamon Kongchuay


This research aims to design and develop a learning innovation on a digital platform based on constructivist theory combined with animation to enhance critical thinking skills and academic achievement of Grade 3 students in the subject of Computational Science, specifically in the unit on using the internet to search for knowledge. The research process is divided into three phases 1) Designing and developing the innovation, 2) Validating the innovation, and 3) Implementing the innovation. Various tools were used, including measurement tools, tests, interviews, and both quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The research findings are as follows 1) The learning innovation consists of six key components problem situations, knowledge repository, cognitive tools, collaborative learning, scaffolding, and consulting. Experts evaluated the internal validity to be very high in all aspects. 2) The critical thinking skills of students after using the innovation were significantly higher than before at the .01 level, indicating that the developed innovation effectively enhances the critical thinking skills of Grade 3 students. 3) The academic achievement of students after using the innovation was significantly higher than before at the .01 level, reflecting the effectiveness of the learning innovation in improving the academic performance of the sample students and 4) The students' overall satisfaction with the learning innovation was at the highest level, with the highest satisfaction in the learning materials, followed by learning support, content, activities, and interaction. The evaluation aspect had the lowest satisfaction, albeit still at a high level.

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How to Cite
P. Kongchuay, “The Development of Learning Innovation on Digital Platform Based on Constructivist Theory with Animated Cartoons to Promote Critical Thinking Skills and Learning Achievement of Grade 3 Students”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 89–111, Sep. 2024.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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