The Relationship between Instructional Leadership of School Administrators and Teaching Behavior in The 21st Century of Teachers in Schools under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Songkhla Satun

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Tanyaporn Kanchai
Koolchalee Chongcharoen
Kedkanok Ueawong


The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the teaching leadership of school administrators 2) study teaching behavior in the 21st century of teachers 3) study the relationship between teaching leadership of school administrators and teaching behavior in the 21st century of teachers in schools under the secondary educational service area office Songkhla Satun. The sample consisted of 346 teachers in schools under the secondary educational service area office Songkhla Satun. The samples were stratified random sampling. The research tool, general information of the respondents, a questionnaire about instructional leadership of school administrators and teaching behavior in the 21st century of teachers, had a reliability of .91 and .94. The data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient. The research found that: 1) Instructional leadership of school administrators under the secondary educational service area office Songkhla Satun, the overall average was at the high level. 2) Teaching behavior in the 21st century of teachers in schools under the secondary educational service area office Songkhla Satun, the overall average was at the high level. 3) The relationship between instructional leadership of school administrators was positive with teaching behavior in the 21st century of school teachersand statistically significant at the .01 level. School administrators with instructional leadership will be able to improve the teaching behavior in the 21st century of teachers in schools.

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How to Cite
T. Kanchai, K. Chongcharoen, and K. Ueawong, “The Relationship between Instructional Leadership of School Administrators and Teaching Behavior in The 21st Century of Teachers in Schools under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Songkhla Satun”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 45–63, Sep. 2024.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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