The Development of Taekwondo Blocking Skills Assessment Based on Authentic for Ban Si Chiangmai School Students Udon Thani
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Purpose of this study were to examine validity and reliability of developed Taekwondo blocking skills assessment for Ban Si Chiangmai school students, Udon Thani. Thirty Ban Sri Chiangmai school students (grade 4–6) were purposively selected to participate in this study. The research tool was Taekwondo blocking skills assessment developed by the researchers, consisting of six skills: low block, middle block, inside block, outside block, high block and knife block skill. All participants were measured for Taekwondo blocking skills two times on two non consecutive day. The statistics used in the data analyses were mean, standard deviation, the index of item-objective congruence (IOC) and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). The results showed acceptable IOC raged from .78–1.00 for each blocking skill. ICC of low block, middle block, inside block, outside block, high block and knife block skill were .913, .848, .861, .922, .871 and .942, respectively, indicated good and excellent reliability. Taekwondo blocking skills assessment developed by researchers was validated and reliable, and feasible for further use in Taekwondo blocking skill test for students.
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