The Discourse of Innovation in Demonstration Elementary School Curriculum: Critical Discourse Analysis

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ฺBoonyanuch Thamrongsub
Sanit Srikoon


This research aimed to conduct a critical discourse analysis of the innovation in the curriculum of a demonstration elementary school. Data were collected from school curriculum documents using a study method from 6 courses and in-depth interviews with six faculty members. The data were analyzed and displayed by an analytical descriptive. This investigation examines through critical discourse analysis (CDA). The results showed that Innovation in the curriculum of a demonstration elementary school is a new method of applying technology. In other words, the thing that improves something already existing to be better. Creation of knowledge, concepts, product creation, innovation, and entrepreneurial thinking for the benefit of teaching or solving problems in teaching currently, bringing creativity concepts, and adapting the knowledge to produce innovations

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How to Cite
Thamrongsub ฺ. . and S. Srikoon, “The Discourse of Innovation in Demonstration Elementary School Curriculum: Critical Discourse Analysis”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 1–12, Sep. 2024.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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