A Teaching Design by Seamless STEM Learning Approach on a Relationship of Electric Current and Potential Difference: A Result

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Namthip Sritawan
Niwat Srisawasdi


Nowadays, the advancement of digital technology in science learning has been widely recognized and digital technology has been innovative used in current school science education. To meet students’ learning preferences that can take place anywhere and anytime, understanding of students’ perception of digital learning environment is a key factor in the effective seamless learning management. To address this issue, this study aimed to develop a seamless STEM learning experience on a relationship of electric current and potential difference regarding meaningful combination of inside and outside school learning context. 44 eleventh-grade students in a public secondary education school located at Roi Et Province has been administered a 5-points Likert rating scale questionnaire after participating with the proposed learning experience. The results showed that they perceived positively to all eight dimensions in 83-91 percentage, and the highest percentage were EU, CO, MS, RE, AC, SN, TG, and IL, respectively. Moreover, there was no statistically significant different between female and male students in term of their perceptions on the eight dimensions. This finding implied that both female and male student perceived positively and equally towards the digital learning environmental preference for the seamless STEM learning experience. Therefore, this proposed learning experience could be an alternative way to promote new active learning process for current generation of secondary school students in Thailand.

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How to Cite
N. Sritawan and N. Srisawasdi, “A Teaching Design by Seamless STEM Learning Approach on a Relationship of Electric Current and Potential Difference: A Result”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 1–17, May 2022.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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