A Proposed Policy for Social Innovation of Small - Sized School Under The Secondary Education Service Area Office 25

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Matchuree Toonchaiyaphum


This policy research aim to purpose policy recommendations to developing social innovation of small - sized school under the secondary education service area office 25. Research methodology conducted by 2 phases;  phase 1 study to make policy recommendations for social innovation of small - sized school by documents analysis, multi-case studies, and In-depth interviews 5 experts to making the draft of policy recommendations. phase 2 investigate policy recommendations by 5 experts were to assess the propriety, feasibility and utility of policy recommendations.

The results found that : The policy recommendations to developing social innovation of small - sized school under the secondary education service area office 25 in their vision, mission, goals, objectives, strategies, and practices of social innovation within socially transformative, product innovation , and enhance society’s capacity to act are propriety  , feasibility and utility of policy recommendations located at the high level.

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How to Cite
M. Toonchaiyaphum, “A Proposed Policy for Social Innovation of Small - Sized School Under The Secondary Education Service Area Office 25”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 13, no. 3-4, pp. 29–38, Dec. 2019.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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