The Development of Participative Management Strategies to Promote Internal Quality Assurance System and Mechanism for Faculty of Education of Northern Rajabhat University

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Surachet Boonyarug
Sunee Nguenyuang
Kiatsuda Srisuk
Ruetinan Samuthai


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop participative management strategies to promote internal quality assurance system and mechanism for faculty of education of Northern Rajabhat University and 2) to study the quality of participative management strategies to promote internal quality assurance system and mechanism for faculty of education of Northern Rajabhat University.  The sample of the study was 13 people including 4 experts in educational administration, 4 experts in educational quality assurance, 3 experts in educational measurement and evaluation, and 2 experts in educational technology. Research tools used in this research were 1) the questionnaire in opinion of experts in considering the quality of the research tools, 2) the questionnaire in opinion of experts in considering the quality of strategies, and 3) the group discussion record form in the process of developing the strategies.The data analysis was to analyse percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.

The findings of the study were as follows:

  1. The participative management strategies to promote internal quality assurance system and mechanism consist of 3 strategies. The first strategy was to promote the personnel’s knowledge in the integrated quality assurance. The second strategy was to promote the personnel’s knowledge in the internal quality assurance by using information technology as a supplement. And the third strategy was to promote personnel to participate in the internal quality assurance activities by using knowledge management.

  2. The participative management strategies to promote internal quality assurance system and mechanism were at a high level. The mean score was at 4.48. When considering each side was found that the opinions were at the highest level. The utility of the strategies and the propriety of the strategies were at the highest level. The feasibility of the strategies were at a high level.

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How to Cite
S. Boonyarug, S. Nguenyuang, K. Srisuk, and R. Samuthai, “The Development of Participative Management Strategies to Promote Internal Quality Assurance System and Mechanism for Faculty of Education of Northern Rajabhat University”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 115–130, Jun. 2018.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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