Levels of Scaffolding Strategies in Mathematics Classroom Using Lesson Study and Open Approach

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Saranya Poosanga
Sampan Thinwiangthong
Maitree Inprasitha


This study aimed to analyze levels of scaffolding strategies in mathematics classroom using lesson study and open approach. The target group consisted of one teacher and 7 grade-7 students in Ban Bueng-niam Bueng-Krainnoon  Tahin School by establishing a classroom using lesson study and open approach in 7 learning periods of a positive number and negative number of Mathematics. A researcher had been collecting the data by making video between collaboratively designing research lessons, collaboratively  observing   teaching and collaboratively  doing  post-discussion  or  reflection  on  teaching  practice. Data used for an analysis were composed of  1) protocol of collaboratively designing research lessons, collaboratively  observing   teaching and reflection the research lessons , 2) data of the students’ work. Data analysis sequence of lesson study and open approach according to Inprasitha’s idea (2011) and strategies for scaffolding learning from Anghileri (2006).

            The study results revealed that

  1. Collaboratively design a research lessons, found scaffolding strategies Level 1 including          1) grouping students to achieve learning 2) the use of teaching materials to support students’ thinking and 3) sequencing the problem and order for students to learn continuously. And level 2 including               1) reviewing of the prior knowledge or experience of the students.

  2. Collaboratively  Observe the research lesson, found scaffolding strategies as follows

2.1  Posing open-ended problem, found scaffolding strategies Level 1 including 1) grouping students to achieve learning 2) the use of teaching materials to support students’ thinking and 3) sequencing the problem and order for students to learn continuously. And level 2 including 1) reviewing of the prior knowledge or experience of the students. 2.2 Students’ self learning, found scaffolding strategies Level 1  including 1) grouping students to achieve learning 2) the use of teaching materials to support students’ thinking. And level 2 including 1) reviewing of the prior knowledge or experience of the students. 2.3  Whole class discussion and comparison, found scaffolding strategies Level 2 including 1) reviewing of the prior knowledge or experience of the students and 2) restructuring of new thinking. And level 3 including 1) giving the opportunity for the students to summarize the mathematical conceptual and 2) posing the question for the students  to making connections the mathematical conceptual. 2.4  Summing-up by connecting students’ emergent mathematical ideas, found scaffolding strategies Level 3 including 1) giving the opportunity for the students to summarize the mathematical conceptual and 2) posing the question for the students  to making connections the mathematical conceptual.

  1. Collaboratively discuss and reflect on the research lesson, teacher reflected about used scaffolding strategies including level 1, before interacting with their students, teacher scaffold learning with environmental provision. It caused the students had problems and they need solve  problems. Level 2, teacher reviewed of the prior knowledge of the students and encouraged with their students to solved problems until they had the restructuring of new thinking. And Level 3, teacher gave the opportunity for the students to summarize and making connections about the mathematical conceptual caused to students can making connections and summarize according the goal of the lesson   


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How to Cite
S. Poosanga, S. Thinwiangthong, and M. Inprasitha, “Levels of Scaffolding Strategies in Mathematics Classroom Using Lesson Study and Open Approach”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 84–94, Jun. 2018.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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