The Construction of The Process Test Volleyball Skill for Matthayomsuksa 1 Students in Chiang Yuen Phitthayakhom School

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Pisal Sartkaew
Sungwean Pinagalang


The purpose of this research was to construct the normal criteria volleyball test on the process for Mathayomsuksa 1 Chiang Yuen Pittayakom School. The sample group was 30 grade, 7 students. There were 17 males and 13 females in Chiang Yuen Pittayakom School by cluster random sampling. The collected data were analyzed by mean of arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and correlation coefficient.

            Result of Study: (1) The Content validity IOC of The two basic playing skills, two hands on the ball-playing skills, sending the ball skill were 1.00, 1.00, 0.85. The criteria can then be put to the test. (2) Reliability Test of volleyball skills on the process. related to a significant level of .01. The correlation coefficient was 0.95, compared to the threshold of the Kirkendall and in very good shape. (3) The objective Test Volleyball related to a significant level of .01 correlation coefficient of 1.00 compared with the standards of the Kirkendall and in very good shape. (4) Norms can be divided into three levels: the level of good, moderately, and low.

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How to Cite
P. Sartkaew and S. Pinagalang, “The Construction of The Process Test Volleyball Skill for Matthayomsuksa 1 Students in Chiang Yuen Phitthayakhom School”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 63–71, Dec. 2018.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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