A Study of English Reading Comprehension Ability of Grade 10 Students Based on Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition Technique and Mind Mapping Technique

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Supawadee Santhep
Nuchwana Luanganggoon


The objectives of this research were  1) to study the development of English reading comprehension of grade 10 students based on Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition Technique and Mind Mapping Technique so that at least 70% of the students could meet the criteria not less than 70% and  2) to study the student’s satisfaction with learning management using Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition Technique and Mind Mapping Technique.

The sample was 34 grade, 10 students, during the second semester of the academic year 2016 from Nongbuarawewittayakarn School, Nongbuarawe District, Chaiyaphum Province selected by Purposive Sampling. The research methodology used in this research was Pre-Experimental Design (One-Shot Case Study).

The research instruments were 1) 6 lesson plans using Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition Technique and Mind Mapping Technique,  2) English reading comprehension ability test, and 3) the students’ satisfaction questionnaire on learning management using Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition Technique and Mind Mapping Technique. The data were analyzed using percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The results of this research showed that;

  1. 1. There were 26 students or 76.47% could meet the expected criteria. The students scored 21.29 or 70.97% on the average on reading comprehension ability.

  2. 2. The students’ satisfaction with learning management using Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition Technique and Mind Mapping Technique as a whole was at the “high” level ( x̄ = 4.00, S.D. = 0.58)

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How to Cite
S. Santhep and N. Luanganggoon, “A Study of English Reading Comprehension Ability of Grade 10 Students Based on Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition Technique and Mind Mapping Technique”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 113–123, Sep. 2018.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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