Developing Grade 5 Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Using CIPPA Learning Model Together with Graphic Mapping

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Soodkanueng Jodtang
Sitthipon Art-in


The objectives of the present study included: 1) to develop grade-5 students’ mathematical problem-solving ability by using CIPPA Learning Model together with graphic mapping so that the students made a mean achievement score of 70% or higher and at least 70% of the student group pass the prescribed criterion and  2) to study the students’ satisfaction with the learning activities basing on the CIPPA Learning Model together with the graphic mapping.  The target group consisted of 10 grade-5 students in Ban Lao Noenkoon School under the Khon Kaen Office of Primary Education, Area 3, during the first semester of the 2015 academic year. The study was based on an action research procedure in accordance with Kemmis & McTaggart’s idea which consists of 3 action spirals. Three categories of instruments were used in the study, i.e.  1) action research tool consisting of 8 lesson plans which took 16 instructional periods to complete,  2) reflection tool consisting of a teaching behavior observation form,

a student behavior observation form, Instruction records form, a student interview form and end-of-spiral quizzes on the students’ mathematical problem-solving ability, and  3) evaluation tool consisting of

a 5-item test for the assessment of the students’ mathematical problems solving ability and a 15-item questionnaire, with a 5-level rating scale, for making inquiries about the students’ satisfaction with the learning activities as organized for them.  The collected data were analyzed by means of basic statistics of arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and percentage, while the qualitative data were analyzed by means of content analysis.

             The findings:

  1.    The students made a mean achievement score of 45.90 or 76.50% of the full marks in the mathematical problem-solving ability, and 8 students or 80% of the group passed the 70% criterion which is higher than the prescribed criterion of 70%;

  2. The students’ level of satisfaction with the learning activities, as a whole, was at the “highest” level ( x̄  = 4.54, S.D. = 0.46 ).  However, when the items were scrutinized categorically, it was found that the item on “The activities that encourage the student to show off freely” made the highest mean score ( x̄  = 4.82, S.D. = 0.39 ).  The second significant item was “The activities that allow the students to do the actual practice” ( x̄ = 4.77, S.D. = 0.44 ) and “Students review their knowledge and understanding of new content” ( = 4.71, S.D. = 0.47 )

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How to Cite
S. Jodtang and S. Art-in, “Developing Grade 5 Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Using CIPPA Learning Model Together with Graphic Mapping”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 87–99, Sep. 2018.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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