The Study of Using Media Instruction to Develop Drawing Skills for 3rd Grade Students by Using Integrated Infusion Learning Concept

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Kanokwan Kaewkaisron
Siribhong Bhiasiri


The objectives of this research were  1) to study the outcomes of using media instruction to develop drawing skills for third-grade students by using the integrated infusion learning concept. The media instructions were created by integrating infusion learning concepts of visual elements to develop student’s drawing skills to reach a criterion of 80/80   2) To study the results of the instruction media use for skill development on the drawing are not less than 80 percent and at least 80 percent of students achieve the criterion. Lastly, 3) to study the satisfaction of students towards the integrated infusion media instruction of visual elements. By education with Pre-Experimental Design which experimented with the group One-Shot Case Study. After Post-test is a guideline for learning management the learning of the visual arts. By using the integrated infusion learning concept between visual arts and English subject by Elements of art story for the third-grade students. Purposive sampling is used in participant selection. Participants were 30 students who studied in Pratom 3/4, 2nd semester, class of 2016 at the Suansanuk Municipal School, Khon Kaen Municipality. The tools used in the research were the performance evaluation of learning media by Elements of art story. Which has an Index of Item – Objective Congruence of learning media means for 0.84. Data analysis using

1) The learning outcome assessment test of visual elements for a third-grade student

2) The point average of students is not less than 80 percent and at least 80 percent of students achieve the criterion. Lastly, It was found that the visual element for third-grade students mean for 483 percentage for 89.28 and all students passed the evaluation criteria.

3) The satisfaction of 30 students in third grade at Suansanuk Municipal School to study art by learning media to improve drawing skills. According to the visual element. It was found that the students were satisfied with their studies by integrating infusion learning concepts of the visual elements of learning media to improve drawing skills with the visual element. Overall, the level of satisfaction was the highest level.

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How to Cite
K. Kaewkaisron and S. Bhiasiri, “The Study of Using Media Instruction to Develop Drawing Skills for 3rd Grade Students by Using Integrated Infusion Learning Concept”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 75–85, Sep. 2018.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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