Approade for Teacher Development in Teaching and Learning of Local Self-Sufficient Schools for Schools Under the Municipality of Udon Thani

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Wasana Phitake
Tanyatorn Sriwichien


This research aims 1) to study the current condition and desirable condition Teacher development in teaching and learning of local self-sufficient schools for Udonthani Municipality school. 2) To develop teachers in teaching and learning of local self-sufficient schools for Udonthani Municipality school This research is a research and development. The population consisted of 469 teachers of Udon Thani Municipality School. 210 saplings in the research was from the table of krejcie and Morgan, 1970 The study was divided into 2 phases. Phase 1 studied the current condition and desirable conditions for the development of teachers in teaching and learning of local self-sufficient schools for Udon Thani Municipality school. The sample group consisted of 210 teachers. The instrument used for data collection was the estimation scale with 5 levels, 14 items with the confidence value of .97. Phase 2, Teacher development in teaching and learning of the local self-sufficient school for Udon Thani Municipality school. Data contributors are 5 experts. Tools used for data collection is the Data analysis with percentage, mean, standard deviation and the value index of the necessary needs (Modified)

Research results appear as follows.

  1. Current conditions and desirable conditions for the development of teachers in teaching and learning of local self-sufficient schools for. Udonthani Municipality school.The current conditions, the overall imaqe is at high level in order as the sufficiency economy is high.The sufficiency economy integration is medium The desirable overall is high. Media and learning resources about the philosophy of sufficiency economy at a high level and integrating the philosophy of sufficiency economy into learning activities and index values, prioritizing the needs of the needs (PNI modified) of the current condition and the overall desirable condition by sorting the need for necessity from the least as follows: media and learning resources about the philosophy of sufficiency economy The level of the importance index of necessary needs (PNI modified) in the participation is high Secondly, measurement and evaluation of learning activity management according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy

  2. Teacher development in teaching and learning of local self-sufficient schools for Udon Thani Municipality, school. the results of the study of schools with best practices of Udon Thani Municipality schools obtained from synthesis Appear the following results 4 steps of teacher development process and teaching and learning management activities of local self-sufficient schools in 4 part, the opinions of experts with the opinion that they are appropriate, in each aspect, are at a high level. The most important aspect when considering the average order, the most is the learning unit of the sufficiency economy philosophy. The overall possibility of each side is at a high level. When considering the average order, the most is the integration of the sufficiency economy philosophy into learning activities. Every item is appropriate. With the highest average of 1 item and the average of 13 points. When considering the highest mean value is teachers arranged learning activities that integrated the philosophy of sufficiency economy in the subject group learning. All are possible with the highest average of 1 item and the average of 13 items when considering the highest average is teachers arranged learning activities that integrated the philosophy of sufficiency economy.The result of the development of teacher in teaching of Udon Thani Municipality Is a document Contains important Principles and reasons, objectives, characteristics and development of teacher guidelines for teaching and learning of local sufficient schools Guidelines for teacher development in teaching and learning of local sufficient schools. Scope and mission of teacher development in teaching and learning of local sufficient schools. The conceptual framework for the development of teacher guidelines in teaching and learning of local sufficiency schools and learning activity management

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How to Cite
W. Phitake and T. Sriwichien, “Approade for Teacher Development in Teaching and Learning of Local Self-Sufficient Schools for Schools Under the Municipality of Udon Thani”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 125–135, Sep. 2019.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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