Netball Shooting Ability Development with Cooperative Learning Management Technique STAD Topic 5 Directions Shooting of Grade 7 Students

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Nuengruethai Hatsanmuang
Wayu Kanjanasorn


This research was quasi-experimental research with one-group pretest and posttest design. The aims of research 1) To development netball shooting skills through cooperative STAD technique learning topic 5 directions shooting of Nampongsuksa School in 1st secondary students. 2) To study satisfaction of students in cooperative learning technique STAD topic 5 directions shooting. The research tools were; 1) 6 learning plans with cooperative learning technique STAD topic shooting skills. 2) Satisfaction questionnaires.  By both tools find quality tools from 3 experts. The result is appropriate. The target group were 130 students in Grade 7 from 1/1, 1/2, and 1/3 classes of Nampongsuksa School used by purposive sampling method. The study duration were 50 minutes per plan and the shooting performances tested both before and after the learning.Data were analyzed to T-test dependent was used to analyze difference between pretest and posttest learning and calculate of mean, standard deviation in students satisfaction.

The results were found that:

  1. After Cooperative Learning Management Learn STAD techniques and find that. The mean of pretest scoring was 23.26 with 0.58 standard deviation and posttest scoring was 57.46 with 6.47 standard deviation. Moreover, found that pretest and posttest scoring was statistical significance 0.05. That shows that The target group is developed.

  2. The students satisfaction on learning showed there in the high level (mean = 4.23).

The results of the above research. Skill shooting of the target group developed. This thread the researcher used appropriate tools for learning management.

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How to Cite
N. Hatsanmuang and W. Kanjanasorn, “Netball Shooting Ability Development with Cooperative Learning Management Technique STAD Topic 5 Directions Shooting of Grade 7 Students ”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 55–63, Sep. 2019.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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