The Ettats of Constructivist Knowledge Construction Packages to Reading Ability for the Fifth Year of Elementary Student, Thongkang Elementary School Sisatanak District Vinetiane Capital, Lao PDR.

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Phonesiri Outhaivanh
Charuni Samat
Anucha Somabut


The purpose of this study were to 1) develop the constructivist knowledge construction packages to reading ability and 2) survey students’ satisfaction towards the development constructivist knowledge construction packages to reading ability in the form of infographic. The target group in this study was students who were studying in the fifth year of Thongkang Elementary School, Sisattanak District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR, academic year 2016 – 2017. The number of target group comprised of 30 students. The methodology research was developmental research (Type 1). The research tool composed (1) constructivist knowledge construction packages on title reading ability, (2) learning achievement evaluation form, (3) Satisfaction survey form. Data were analyzed by evaluation statistics: mean and standard deviation.

  1. The constructivist knowledge construction packages to reading ability consisted of problem base, learning tasks, scaffolding, collaboration tool and coaching

  2. The learning achievement of students found that they had reading ability after learning which different significant statistics is before and after learning. The average before learning was 10.83 and the standard deviation was 2.07. The average after learning was 19.13 and standard deviation was 3.88 .The learning achievement of students after learning was significant difference. The mean score of the post-test was higher than the average of the pre-test

  3. The students’ satisfaction were at satisfactory level for knowledge construction dimension, and the average mean and standard deviation were 4.45 and 0.24, respectively. For teaching media dimension, the average mean and standard deviation were 4.44 and 0.29, respectively.

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How to Cite
P. Outhaivanh, C. Samat, and A. Somabut, “ Lao PDR”., EDGKKUJ, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 183–194, Mar. 2019.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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