Developing a Structural Relationship Model of Causal Factors of Strategic Leadership Influencing the Effectiveness of Sports Schools Administrators in Thailand

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ยุวรานี สุเมขะโส


The objectives of this research were: 1) to develop the structural relationship model of causal
factor in strategic leadership influencing the sports school administrators’ effectiveness in Thailand,
2) to investigate the congruence of development in structural relationship model of causal factor
in strategic leadership influencing the sports school administrators’ effectiveness in Thailand, with
empirical data, 3) to study the direct effect, indirect effect, and total effect of factor influencing the
sports school administrators’ effectiveness in Thailand. The samples of this study were 868 teacher
officials and educational staffs in 27 sports schools from every jurisdiction in Thailand, 2014 academic
year. The sample size was determined by Supamas Ungsuchoted’s model (Supamas Ungsuchote, 2008) with
the specification that the sample size should be 20 times of variable. There were total of 33
variables in this study. The minimum criterion of sample size should obtain at least 660 samples. There
fore the researcher used 660 samples in this study. The research instrument was the 5 Level Rating
Scale based on Likert’s Model. The instrument was validated its content validity by experts, the index
of congruency ranged between 0.8 – 1.00, the Reliability was = 0.985. Data analysis for hypothesis
testing consisted of the CFA and SEM.
1) The development of the developed structural relationship model of causal factor in strategic
leadership influencing the sports school administrators’ effectiveness in Thailand, consisted of 6 latent
variables, and 27 indicators including: 1) the effect variable was the sports school administrators’
effectiveness in Thailand with 4 observable variables as 4 indicators including: the work success and
goal accomplishment in sports, the professional in administration, the emphasis on sports excellence,
the collaboration among teachers, students, parents, and community, 2) 5 causal variables and 23
indicators being classified into 1 external latent variable: the vision consisted of 4 observable variables
including : the modern viewpoint, far sight persons, collaboration, the worthwhile usage of innovation
and resource management, 4 internal latent variables were: (1) the variables for determining the
direction of organization consisted of 6 observable variables including: the higher order of cognition,
the competency in revolutionary thinking, the competency in using the factors for determining one’s
vision, the competency in progressive administration, (2) the variables in planning and putting the
strategy into practice, consisted of 5 observable variables including: the planning, the organizational
management, the action, the action control, the reporting and improvement of work performance, (3)
the variables in strategic control and evaluation consisted of 3 variables including: the measurement
of existed performance, the comparison of work performance with specified standard, the revision and
improvement of error and mistakes from standard, and (4) the ethics and moral variables consisted
of 5 observable variables including: the honesty, the responsibility, the application of rationale and
principle in work practice, the justice in working, and the patience.
2) The development of structural relationship model of causal factor in strategic leadership
influencing the sports school administrators’ effectiveness in Thailand, developed by the researcher,
was congruent with empirical data, considering by statistic for measuring the congruency. The value
of Chi-square = 159.025, df = 138, p-value = 0.106, RMSEA = 0.015, GFI = 0.983, AGFI = 0.953,
CFI = 0.999, TLI = 0.998, RMR = 0.005, and χ2/df = 1.152.
3) The factor with direct effect, indirect effect, and total effect influencing the sports schools’
effectiveness in Thailand, found that the highest value of direct influence determination of organizational
direction, was = 0.493 at 0.001 significant level. The indirect effect with highest value of vision,
was = 0.848. In addition, the highest value of total effect in vision was = 0.925.

Article Details

How to Cite
สุเมขะโส ย., “Developing a Structural Relationship Model of Causal Factors of Strategic Leadership Influencing the Effectiveness of Sports Schools Administrators in Thailand”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 137–147, Aug. 2018.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)