The Influence of Green Product Innovation and Green Supply Chain Management on Sustainable Development of Thailand’s Auto Parts Industry
Green Product Innovation, Green Supply Chain Management, Corporate Image, Sustainable DevelopmentAbstract
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of green product innovation and green supply chain management on corporate image and lead to the sustainable development of business. Data were collected from 336 executives of the auto part industries in Thailand. The questionnaire survey was used as a research instrument. The validity and reliability were checked, which are content validity by an expert, the result of discriminant validity tested by factor analysis shows values between .792 - .928, and .886 - .917 are results of Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient test of reliability. This research applied inferential statistical analysis with structural equation modeling. The research results found that the developed structural equation modeling had conformed to the empirical data at the same covariance and passed the standard criteria by statistic X2 = 154.210, df = 94, (chi-square/df=1.640), p-value = 0.001, GFI = 0.916, RMSEA = 0.027, SRMR = 0.016 and CFI = 0.929. The results of hypothesis testing found that green product innovation plays a significant and positive effect on corporate image and sustainable development. Likewise, green supply chain management is positively associated with corporate image and sustainable development.
In addition, this study demonstrates that corporate image mediates the relationships between sustainable development and their two antecedents green product innovation and green supply chain management.
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ข้อความที่ปรากฏในบทความแต่ละเรื่องในวารสารวิชาการเล่มนี้เป็นความคิดเห็นส่วนตัวของผู้เขียนแต่ละท่านไม่เกี่ยวข้องกับมหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม และคณาจารย์ท่านอื่นๆในมหาวิทยาลัยฯ แต่อย่างใด ความรับผิดชอบองค์ประกอบทั้งหมดของบทความแต่ละเรื่องเป็นของผู้เขียนแต่ละท่าน หากมีความผิดพลาดใดๆ ผู้เขียนแต่ละท่านจะรับผิดชอบบทความของตนเองแต่ผู้เดียว