Effectiveness of Futures Contracts as Hedging Instruments for Rubber Price Risk: Evidence from Thailand


  • Kuntonrat Davivongs Kasetsart University


Rubber price risk, TFEX, futures contract, SET50 Index futures, single stock futures, hedging, cross hedge


This study investigates whether the Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX) listed futures contracts can be effectively used to transfer rubber price risks. Using auction price data of natural rubber ribbed smoke sheet no. 3 (RSS3) and daily settlement prices of highly liquid TFEX-listed futures contracts from 2007 to 2019, the results from the two different methods used to estimate static and dynamic optimal hedge ratios are consistent. The most effective futures contract for hedging RSS3 price risk is the RSS3 futures contract, which can reduce RSS3 price volatility by approximately 4-6%. Single-stock futures are more effective than SET50 index futures as hedging instruments. Specifically, the single stock futures contract of a company with a rubber-related business, STA, is the most effective futures contract, reducing 1-2% of RSS3 price volatility


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How to Cite

Davivongs, K. (2024). Effectiveness of Futures Contracts as Hedging Instruments for Rubber Price Risk: Evidence from Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 16(3), 102–119. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mbs/article/view/267119



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