Digital Marketing Strategy Affecting Marketing Performance of the E – Commerce Entrepreneurs in the Northeast of Thailand


  • Parinyaporn Ploenlap Faculty of Administrative Science, Kalasin University
  • Chatratchada Wiroterat Faculty of Administrative Science, Kalasin University
  • Ampasri Phokha Faculty of Administrative Science, Kalasin University


Digital Marketing Strategy, E – Commerce, Entrepreneurs, Performance


The purposes of this study were: 1) To study  customers’ opinion levels on marketing strategies of the E – Commerce entrepreneurs in the Northeast of Thailand, 2) To study customers’ opinion levels on the performance of the E – Commerce entrepreneurs in the Northeast of Thailand, 3) To study the digital marketing strategies of the E – Commerce entrepreneurs in the Northeast of Thailand, 4) To study the performance of the E – Commerce entrepreneurs in the Northeast of Thailand, 5) To find out the relationship between the digital marketing strategies affecting marketing performance of the E – Commerce entrepreneurs in the Northeast of Thailand, and 6) To find out the impacts of the digital marketing strategies affecting the marketing performance of E – Commerce entrepreneurs in the Northeast of Thailand. The samples were E – Commerce entrepreneurs in the Northeast of Thailand received from the use of simple random sampling method. For the data collection, questionnaire, the research instrument of this study, was distributed to all samples, while 441 ones were returned. For the data analysis, percentage, mean, standard deviation, multiple correlation analysis, and Multiple Regression Analysis were employed to respond to all objective.

The results revealed that the E – Commerce entrepreneurs in the Northeast of Thailand had the overall opinion on the digital marketing strategies in the high level. When considering in each aspect, it was found that all aspects were found in the high level and the opinion on the marketing performance was reported in the high level as well. The finding of the relationship between the digital marketing strategies affecting marketing performance of the E – Commerce entrepreneurs in the Northeast of Thailand revealed that the digital strategies in terms of business differentiation, rapid response to customers, online social media promotion, and marketing content creation ability had the positive relationship with marketing performance. Finally, the finding of the impacts of the digital marketing strategies affecting the marketing performance of E – Commerce entrepreneurs in the Northeast of Thailand showed that the digital marketing strategies in terms of business differentiation and rapid response to customers had the positive relationship with the marketing performance. On the other hand, the digital marketing strategies in terms of online social media promotion, and marketing content creation ability had the positive relationship with the marketing performance of the E – Commerce entrepreneurs in the Northeast of Thailand. Consequently, the findings of this study can be applied as the guideline for marketing planning and developing for the sustainable business administration.


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How to Cite

Ploenlap, P., Wiroterat, C., & Phokha, A. . (2024). Digital Marketing Strategy Affecting Marketing Performance of the E – Commerce Entrepreneurs in the Northeast of Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 16(2), 64–80. retrieved from



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