The relationship between financial literacy and financial planning behavior of commercial bank customers in Thailand


  • Thongpong pongphanich Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Science Kasetsart University Campus Sakonnakhon


Financial Literacy, Financial Planning Behavior, Commercial Bank in Thailand


This research aims to examine the relationship between financial literacy and the financial planning behavior of commercial bank customers in Thailand. We used questionnaires to collect data from 252 commercial bank customers in Thailand. The statistical methods employed
for data analysis included multiple correlation and multiple regression analyses. The research findings indicate that financial literacy, time value of money, inflation, and risk diversification positively impact overall financial planning behavior. These results are valuable for bank customers, investors, and businesspeople in planning savings and investments amidst constantly changing situations. Furthermore, the insights from this research can benefit
the government and government agencies by contributing to the creation of knowledge and understanding about financial matters. This information can promote and stimulate investment among investors in financial
planning and investment. Additionally, it can help foster  understanding among citizens regarding the importance
of possessing financial knowledge and effectively planning their lives in the ever-changing economic environment.


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How to Cite

pongphanich, T. (2024). The relationship between financial literacy and financial planning behavior of commercial bank customers in Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 16(2), 35–45. Retrieved from



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