The Development of Electronic Commerce System for Logistics and Supply Chain Activity of Small Entrepreneur in Samphanthawong District Area


  • Natprapas Ritwatthanavanich Faculty of Business Administration Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin
  • Jirawadee Tiaprapong Faculty of Business Administration Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin
  • Pornpimon Kampetch Faculty of Business Administration Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin


The Development of Electronic Commerce System, Logistics, Supply, Small Entrepreneur


   The objectives of this study were to: (1) study the feasibility information regarding development of an electronic commerce system for logistics and supply chain activities of small entrepreneurs in Samphanthawong District, (2) design, develop, and generate the system of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) derived from researchers, system developers, and small entrepreneurs for practical use in business, (3) follow up and evaluate results of the use of ERP as for practical use in business of small entrepreneurs in Samphanthawong District. Purposive sampling was used for this research according to the researchers’ criteria. The research methods followed the steps of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) for 3 phrases; namely, Phrase 1 is defining problems and studying the feasibility by arranging seminars consisting of 11 participants in small group, 36 participants in large group, 55 participants in workshop. The instrument used were topics for the seminar and a satisfaction survey. It was found that there were problems, obstacles, and needs to develop the system. The satisfaction of participating in a training was at a very good level. Phrase 2 is analyzing, designing, and developing the system. The instrument used were topics for seminar with 7 participants. It was found that the developed system consists of purchasing, selling, inventory, revenue and expenses databases which the information is linked and released as the TSRI & RMUTR Systems for Small Entrepreneurs for practical use in business. Phrase 3 is testing and evaluating by using in-dept interviews as the instrument. The showed that, after delivering the system, there were the following up and improving the system to be suitable for use. The results of evaluation from 12 in-depth interviewees showed that the advantages of the system were benefits and efficiency in use, while the disadvantage was not fully supported in some business. The suggestions were developing and improving the system to be suitable for various kinds of business.


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How to Cite

Ritwatthanavanich, N., Tiaprapong, J. ., & Kampetch, P. . (2024). The Development of Electronic Commerce System for Logistics and Supply Chain Activity of Small Entrepreneur in Samphanthawong District Area. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 16(2), 1–19. Retrieved from



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