The Influence of ownership structure on The Profitability of Listed Companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand: Service Industry Group


  • Pennapa Chaowana Rattaphum College, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya
  • Pum Boonsopat Rattaphum College, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya
  • Wipavadee Narksawat Rattaphum College, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya


Ownership Structure, Profitability, Company listed on the stock exchange


This research aims to 1) study influence of ownership structure on the profitability through return on asset of listed companies on the stock exchange of Thailand: service industry group, and 2) to study influence of ownership structure on the profitability through return on equity of listed companies on the stock exchange of Thailand: service industry group. It is an amount (Quantitative Research). There are research tools is paper to collect information from Financial Statement, 56-1 on the annual company report and SETSMART database during 2017-2020 with a sample group is listed companies on the stock exchange of Thailand: service industry group 432 samples and then the data collected from the paper was analyzed by using descriptive statistics consisting of percentage, mean standard deviation and analyzed using Multiple Regression Analysis at the statistical significant level of 0.05.

The results showed that

1) The influence of shareholder structure that significantly factors influence on the profitability through return on asset in positive are shareholding ratio of foreign investors.
The significant level is 0.01 and the influence of shareholder structure that significantly factors influence on the profitability through return on asset in positive are shareholding ratio of executives. The significant level is 0.001, and

2) the influence of shareholder structure that significantly factors influence on the profitability through return on equity in positive are shareholding ratio of institutional investors. The significant level is 0.01 and the influence of shareholder structure that significantly factors influence on the profitability through return on equity in positive are shareholding ratio of executives. The significant level is 0.001.


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How to Cite

Chaowana, P. ., Boonsopat, P., & Narksawat, W. . (2024). The Influence of ownership structure on The Profitability of Listed Companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand: Service Industry Group . Journal of Accountancy and Management, 16(2), 140–156. Retrieved from



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