The Causal Factors Affecting Quality of the Financial Reporting of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Northeast Region


  • Tharinee Aungyot Faculty of Business Administration Vongchavalitkul University
  • Somsong Khanthanatee Faculty of Business Administration Vongchavalitkul University


Internal Control, Management Strategy, Good Governance, Quality of the Financial Reporting


The objectives of this paper were to: 1) develop a model of causal factors affecting the quality of financial reporting of SMEs in the Northeast region, 2) analyze the direct effect of internal control, management strategy, and good governance factors on financial reporting quality, and 3) analyze the indirect effects of internal control, management strategy, and good governance factors on financial reporting quality through the mediating variable of good governance factors. 397 questionnaires were used in the study, which were analyzed using Inferential Statistics: Structure Equation Model.

The findings of the study look at a model of internal control, management strategy, and good governance factors that influence the financial reporting quality of SMEs businesses in the Northeast. Chi-Square = 137.566: no statistical significance, p-value = 0.758.

Internal Control and Management Strategy had a positive direct effect on good governance, and management strategy and good governance had a positive direct effect on quality of financial reporting at a Statistical Significance level of 0.01. The confirmatory test of indirect effect found that the quality of financial reporting was indirectly influenced by internal control through the mediation variable good governance, and indirectly influenced by management strategy through the mediation variable good governance, at a statistical significance level of 0.01.


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How to Cite

Aungyot, T. ., & Khanthanatee, S. . (2024). The Causal Factors Affecting Quality of the Financial Reporting of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Northeast Region. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 16(2), 197–212. Retrieved from



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