The Impact of Coronavirus 2019 on the Influence of Business Specific Factors on Firm Performance and Cash Holding: Evidence From The Stock Exchange of Thailand
coronavirus 2019, Business specific factors, Firm Performance, Cash HoldingsAbstract
This study aimed to determine the impacts of the Coronavirus 2019 on business-specific factors, the firm performance, and cash holdings of companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand, totaling 411 companies. Investigated business-specific factors included the size of the business, debt-to-equity ratio, working capital ratio, and revenue growth rate while the firm performance factors included the rate of return on total assets, and return on equity and cash holdings of companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Secondary data were utilized by collecting them from annual financial statements for 6 years from 2017 to 2022 and multiple regression analysis was applied. The study found that the Coronavirus 2019 affected business-specific factors used, size of business, working capital ratio, and the growth rate of income as indicators affecting return on total assets, equity, and cash holding at a significance of 0.05. Therefore, the researcher proposed the management to consider the performance (return on total assets and return on equity) and should focus on the revenue growth rate. For considering cash holdings, the size of the business should be considered.
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