Innovation for Smart Restaurant Entrepreneur in The Digital Age


  • Kosol Jitvirat Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi
  • Thanathon Chongsirithitisak Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi


smart entrepreneur, innovation management, digital technology, smart restaurant, automatic cooking robot


The purpose of this research was to study the overall innovation of smart restaurant operators. To want to know the overall intelligent innovation that digital restaurant entrepreneurs can use to maximize their competitiveness. And able to reduce costs sustainably in the long term, which are what? This research was  qualitative 2-phase research. In the first phase, the researcher collected data on the websites and applications of restaurant operators. And related platforms both in Thailand and abroad by using the record form Then bring the data to be categorized together with various types of innovations. In the second phase, the researcher conducted fieldwork by observing restaurants together with interviewing 3 restaurant operators. The research results were in the same direction.

The results of the research revealed an overview of the innovation of smart restaurant operators that digital restaurant operators can use to maximize their competitiveness. And able to reduce costs sustainably in the long term, consisting of 16 innovations as follows: 1) Intelligent robots that automatically cook food 2) 3D food printer 3) Food Service Robot or Service Robot 4) Self-Ordering Innovation 5) Wireless Calling Machine 6) Wireless Calling System 7) Contactless Payment System 8) Application 9) Innovation Food delivery vehicles 10) Smart food vending machines 11) Join online delivery platform 12) Partner with professional online raw material delivery suppliers 13) Future synthetic food 14) Point of sale system on cloud 15) AR food menu and 16) Social media marketing.


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How to Cite

Jitvirat, K., & Chongsirithitisak, T. . (2023). Innovation for Smart Restaurant Entrepreneur in The Digital Age. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 15(4), 132–157. retrieved from



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