The Causal Relationship Model of Entrepreneurship Orientation and Business Innovation Affecting the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises Processing Vegetable and Fruit Products in the Three Southern Border Provinces


  • Chompunuch Sriphong Facculty of Management Science, Yala Rajaphat University
  • Natee Kachornkittiya Facculty of Management Science, Yala Rajaphat University
  • อรวรรณ วรานันตกุล -


Entrepreneurship Orientation, Business Innovation, Small and Medium Enterprises, Three Southern Border Provinces


This study aims to 1) examine level of entrepreneurial orientation, business innovation, and firm performance and 2) develop and validate the causal relationship model of entrepreneurial orientation and business innovation affecting the performance of vegetable and fruit processing small and medium enterprises in the three southern border provinces. Data were collected through questionnaire-based responses from 327 entrepreneurs. The data were analyzed by SPSS and LISREL 8.80. The results revealed that entrepreneurial orientation, business innovation, and firm performance, are at a high level. In addition, the proposed model was consistent with empirical data with c2=61.483, df=36, CFI=0.997, GFI=0.970, AGFI=0.934, SRMR =0.021, RMSEA=0.047. All variables in the proposed model accounted for 87.80 percent of the total variance of performance. Entrepreneurial orientation had a positive direct effect on business innovation, meanwhile business innovation also had a positive direct effect on firm performance. In addition, entrepreneurial orientation had a positive indirect effect on firm performance through business innovation as a mediator. Therefore, small and medium enterprises entrepreneurs should focus on entrepreneurial orientation to enhance their business innovation, which leads to business performance.


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How to Cite

Sriphong, C. ., Kachornkittiya, N. ., & วรานันตกุล อ. (2023). The Causal Relationship Model of Entrepreneurship Orientation and Business Innovation Affecting the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises Processing Vegetable and Fruit Products in the Three Southern Border Provinces. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 15(4), 103–115. Retrieved from



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