The Influence of Product Quality Perception in the Green Market on the Word-of-Mouth of Consumers in Khon Kaen Province


  • Theenida Buntornwon Faculty of Business Administration, Northeastern University, Khon Kaen
  • Thitaree Sirimongkol Faculty of Business Administration, Northeastern University, Khon Kaen
  • Rungnapa Kittilap Faculty of Business Administration, Northeastern University, Khon Kaen


Perceived Product Quality, Satisfaction, Trust, Commitment, Word-of-Mouth


Since the emerging trend is related to health and wellness in Thailand, government agencies have initiated green market projects to encourage consumers to purchase non-toxic goods. This research studies the perceptions of product quality in the green market and how it affects word-of-mouth, using satisfaction, trust and commitment as intermediate variables. The results show that product quality does affect satisfaction. Satisfaction does affect trust, word of mouth and commitment. Trust has a positive influence on commitment. Although, trust does not have a significant direct influence on word of mouth. The research findings are beneficial for the entrepreneurs. They need to ensure the product quality in order to meet consumer expectations. If they want consumers to spread positive word-of-mouth, they need to build consumer satisfaction and commitment.


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How to Cite

Buntornwon, T., Sirimongkol, T., & Kittilap, R. (2023). The Influence of Product Quality Perception in the Green Market on the Word-of-Mouth of Consumers in Khon Kaen Province. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 15(4), 116–131. retrieved from



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