The Influence of Factors Affecting Purchase Decisions Condominium in Muang District, Nakhonratchasima Province


  • Ajcharapan Tangjaturasopon Business Administration Faculty, Vongchavalitkul University


Influence, Purchase Decisions, Condominium, Nakhonratchasima Province


The purpose of this research was to study (1) the personal factors and their behaviors towards condominium purchases (2) the level of Marketing Mix towards condominium purchases (3) other infusive factor towards. This study was a quantitative research, sample data was 403 residents who bought a condominium in Muang District, Nakhonratchasima Province. The data was collected between March – May 2022 with Nonprobability Sampling method by using an online survey with various platforms including a survey forwarding to each other. Frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation of descriptive statistics were used for this analysis. Inferential Statistics including Pearson correlation coefficient and Multiple Regression Analysis with enter regression also introduced.

The study found that most respondents were single woman with age between 31 – 40. They have a bachelor degree and own their business, some of them are freelance with average monthly income of 15,001 – 25,000. The main factor to consider when purchase a condominium is its facility with the purpose of their own living.They have decided based on their own decision and gathered information from Facebook Fan Page of its project. The room type was one bedroom with size of 51-60 square meters with cost of 1.1–2 million baht with an installment plan. They were visited the property only once and decided within 1–3 months after their visit. Marketing Mix including promotion, people, physical evidence were affecting to decision-making as following equation.

 Y = 4.207 + 0.423(promotion) + 0.255(people) - 0.204(physical evidence)


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How to Cite

Tangjaturasopon, A. (2023). The Influence of Factors Affecting Purchase Decisions Condominium in Muang District, Nakhonratchasima Province . Journal of Accountancy and Management, 15(3), 51–67. Retrieved from



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