Geographic Information System of Premium Grade Shallot to Improve Marketing Opportunities of Sisaket Province


  • lattagarn kuikaew Faculty of Business Administration, sisaket rajabhat University
  • Panida Panichkul Faculty of Business Administration and Accounting, Sisaket Rajabhat University


Geographic Information System, Premium Grade Shallot, Sisaket Province


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the method to select premium grade shallot, 2) to develop Geographic Information System of Premium Grade Shallot, and 3) to evaluate an efficiency of the system affected to marketing opportunity raising. Key informants were 15 Shallot Group members of Amphur Yangchumnoi, Sisaket Province. The sample groups were 384 website visitors. The tools used in this research were interview and questionnaire of efficiency and effectiveness evaluation. The statistics used in the research were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

 The research results were found: 1) the method using to select premium grade shallot was geographical indication (GI) standard that examine on shallot plant process with 10 attributes: shallot species selection, soil preparation, suitable area, maintenance process, water, and harvest which every field of plant had to passed GAP standard of Department of Agriculture and recorded data in QR-Code. 2) The Geographic Information System of Premium Grade Shallot run on website and the system had the map navigate to premium grade shallot fields, contact channel, and related route analysis. 3) The result of the system’s efficiency evaluation was at Highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.56, S.D. = 0.173). The system effectiveness evaluation result was at most level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.05, S.D.= 0.812). The system offers useful information that reach the requirements, it can be the tool to promote premium grade shallot, facilitate the users, use it as information resource efficiency to support marketing decision.


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How to Cite

kuikaew, lattagarn, & Panichkul, P. . (2023). Geographic Information System of Premium Grade Shallot to Improve Marketing Opportunities of Sisaket Province. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 15(3), 34–50. retrieved from



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