An Efficiency Comparison of Forecasting Models for the Amount of Water in Dam by Data Mining Techniques


  • Jiraroj Tosasukul Faculty of Science, Naresuan University
  • Supitcha Kuttipong Faculty of Science, Naresuan University


Forecasting, Amount of water in the dam, Data Mining


This research aimed to construct a reasonable model to forecast water volume in Bhumibol Dam, Tak province by applying Data Mining techniques and comparing efficiency to find out the most suitable model for forecasting. The data used in this study were daily data from dam water status reports and meteorological data from the National Hydroinformatics Data Center (NHC) and the Northern Meteorological Center from the date of January 1, 2011 to May 31, 2021, with a total of 3,804 items were analyzed according to the standard processes in data mining (Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining or CRISP-DM). The Data Mining techniques used in forecasting were consisted of 4 techniques. There were Artificial Neural Networks technique (ANN), Model Tree: M5P technique (M5P), K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm technique (K-NN), and Support Vector Machines technique (SVM). The results of the research found that the Model Tree: M5P technique was the most suitable techniques for modeling water volume forecasting in the Bhumibol Dam. It gave the lowest mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean squared error (RMSE) at 461.519 and 754.416, respectively. The resulting forecast model could be used for decision-making and policy-making in drainage management and downstream water management accordingly, in order to bring in maximum benefits to both agriculture consumption and consumption. It was also the information that helped in the ecosystem management, nature and environment including the supply of economic plant species in accordance with the amount of water in the next dams


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How to Cite

Tosasukul, J. . ., & Kuttipong , S. . (2022). An Efficiency Comparison of Forecasting Models for the Amount of Water in Dam by Data Mining Techniques. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 14(4), 1–17. Retrieved from



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