Employee Adaptation Competency Effect on Employee Empowerment, Job Efficiency, Job Effectiveness, and Organizational Loyalty : A Case Study of Doi Kham Food Products Co., Ltd.


  • Chattawat Limpsurapong Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Science, Kasetsart University
  • Supawita Intarapanich Faculty of Industry and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan Sakonnakhon Campus


Employees Adaptation Competency, Employee Empowerment, Employees Adaptation Competency, Employee Competency Improvement, Job Efficiency, Job Effectiveness, Organizational Loyalty, Job Effectiveness, Organizational Loyalty


This study aims to investigate the relationship of employees adaptation competency, employee competency improvement, job efficiency, job effectiveness, and organizational loyalty. Data were collected 274 innovation and production employees of Doi Kham Food Products Co.,Ltd. Questionnaire is used to collected data. And multiple regression is used to analyze all hypotheses. The results indicate that the continuous process improvement of employees adaptation competency have positive relate to skill development. The dynamic learning capability have positive relate to knowledge development. In addition, proactive working awareness have positive relate to attitude to work. Beside that skill development have positive relate to job efficiency and job effectiveness. Finally, both job efficiency and job effectiveness have positive relate to organizational loyalty.


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How to Cite

Limpsurapong, C. ., & Intarapanich, S. . (2022). Employee Adaptation Competency Effect on Employee Empowerment, Job Efficiency, Job Effectiveness, and Organizational Loyalty : A Case Study of Doi Kham Food Products Co., Ltd. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 14(3), 64–83. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mbs/article/view/252050



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