Causal Relationship Model of Factors Affecting Purchase Intention through Facebook Online Live Streaming


  • Anuwat Songsom Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Thaksin University


Purchase Intention, Facebook Live Streaming, Social Media Marketing


The purpose of this research was to develop casual relationship model between social media marketing, brand equity, technology acceptance and purchase intention via facebook live streaming. The sample consisted of 360 customers by convenient sampling. The sample is the customer who commented or shared information through the top 5 most-followed facebook live streaming according
to My Cloud Fulfillment Co., Ltd. A set of online questionnaires was used as a research instrument which measured on five-point Likert scales. The developed Structural Equation Model (SEM) consisted of 4 latent variables and 18 observed variables. The primary data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, and the goodness of fit of the model was assessed by using structural equation modeling. The results revealed that the measurement model accounted for construct reliability of 0.85-0.87 and average variance of 0.56-0.60. The SEM model was found to have a good fit for the empirical data (c2/df = 1.489, GFI=0.941, CFI=0.989, RMR=0.012, RMSEA=0.037). The social media marketing affected brand equity and purchase intention with an effect size of 0.76 and 0.82 at a significant level of 0.05. Additionally, brand equity and technology acceptance factor was found to affect online purchase intention with an effect size of 0.68 and 0.77 at a significant level of 0.05.


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How to Cite

Songsom, A. . (2022). Causal Relationship Model of Factors Affecting Purchase Intention through Facebook Online Live Streaming. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 14(4), 174–184. Retrieved from



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