Strategic Management of Community Enterprises Under COVID-19 Epidemic Situation


  • Pajaree Polprasert Faculty of Management Sciences, Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University
  • Kanittha Sripirom Faculty of Management Sciences, Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University


Strategic Management, Competitive Advantage, Community Enterprise, Coronavirus Disease 2019


The coronavirus epidemic spreading throughout the country has affected all sectors and produced a dramatic decline in the country's income. These resulted in a lack of funds, especially among small business owners, as well as a lack of purchasing power among the general populace. Thai economy's recovery, on the other hand, must start from strengthening the country by establishing a secure foundation for community entrepreneurs. The purpose of this academic article is to introduce the concept of strategic management of community enterprises in the light of coronavirus epidemic situation in 2019. It begins with an analysis of the internal environment, external circumstances, opportunities, and threats to plan a proactive managerial strategy of community entrepreneurs and gain competitive advantage correlated theoretical frameworks, for instance, generating various competitive advantages on unique community products, focusing on reacting to particular market, providing customers value with the value chain which continuously organizes activities in every process,  and increasing the recovery potential of income in response to the corona virus's epidemic condition 2019, which brings about employment and economic development of community businesses and the nation. Thus, these procedures conforms with the management plan to recover revenue lost as a result of the 2019 coronavirus epidemic.


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How to Cite

Polprasert, P. ., & Sripirom, K. . (2021). Strategic Management of Community Enterprises Under COVID-19 Epidemic Situation. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 14(2), 229–245. retrieved from



Academic Article