Influencing of Image and Airline Reputation to Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty of the Low-cost Airline in Thailand


  • Bongkodrat Piamsirikamol Faculty of Management Science, Phuket Rajabhat University


1) Image 2) Reputation 3) Satisfaction 4) Loyalty 5) Low-cost airline


At the present, low-cost airlines have grown fast business. Airline image and reputation were effect on customer decision to choose airline. The three aims of this study were shown that 1) to study of airline image influence on satisfaction and customer loyalty 2) to study of airline reputation influence on satisfaction and customer loyalty and 3) to study of satisfaction was mediator between airline image and airline reputation on customer loyalty. The questionnaire was used to collect the data from 603 foreigners who used to come to Donmuang International Airport, Suwannabhumi International Airport and Phuket International Airport. The data was analyzed by structural equation modelling.

The results showed that airline image positively influenced on satisfaction but there was no effect on customer loyalty. Moreover, airline reputation affected on satisfaction and customer loyalty. In addition, satisfaction was positively effect on customer loyalty. To test satisfaction as a mediator between airline image and airline reputation on customer loyalty, the resulted showed that satisfaction was fully mediator between airline image on customer loyalty. Moreover, satisfaction was partially mediator between airline reputation on customer loyalty. The resulted can help the airline managers to decide the retention customer and to be the successful businesses.



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How to Cite

Piamsirikamol, B. (2022). Influencing of Image and Airline Reputation to Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty of the Low-cost Airline in Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 14(3), 18–35. retrieved from



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