Crisis Response Strategies of Hotel Business in Bangkok During the COVID-19 Epidemic


  • ดารณี อาจหาญ คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และการจัดการการท่องเที่ยว ม.กรุงเทพ
  • antidhorn Pooripakdee


crisis response strategies, hotel business, COVID-19 epidemic


This qualitative research aims to study crisis response strategies during the COVID-19 epidemic of the 5-star hotels in Bangkok. This research uses the content analysis method and collects data by using document analysis method from academic articles and research on tourism and hotels on issues related to the strategic management approaches during the COVID-19 epidemic of hotel business. It also uses an in-depth interview with revenue manager of six 5-star hotels in Bangkok including 1) Mandarin Oriental, 2) Amari Watergate, 3) Dusit Thani, 4) Waldorf Astoria, 5) Kimpton Maa-Lai, and 6) Hansar. The results show that the strategic management approaches of hotel business according to the cycle of crisis situation are 1) observation period uses saving strategy, 2) critical period uses hibernation strategy and service transformation strategy, and 3) recovery period uses recovery strategy. In addition, the crisis response strategies during the COVID-19 epidemic of the 5-star hotels in Bangkok are 1) re-organization, 2) cost reduction strategy, 3) non-room revenue strategy, 4) new business norms strategy, 5) pricing Strategy, 6) digital marketing strategy, and 7) flexible strategy.


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How to Cite

อาจหาญ ด., & Pooripakdee, antidhorn . (2021). Crisis Response Strategies of Hotel Business in Bangkok During the COVID-19 Epidemic . Journal of Accountancy and Management, 13(4), 82–97. retrieved from



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