Impact of Best Management Accounting Practice on Operational Excellence Outstanding, Decision Making Effectiveness and Sustainable Business Growth of Auto Parts Businesses in Thailand


  • Worapan Ratanasongtham Faculty of Management Science, Uttaradit Rajabhat University


Management Accounting Practice, Operational Excellence Outstanding, Decision Making Effectiveness, Sustainable Business Growth, Auto Parts Businesses


This research aims  to  study  the  impact  of  best  management  accounting practice  on  operational  excellence  outstanding,  decision  making  effectiveness,  and sustainable  business  growth  of  auto  parts  businesses  in  Thailand. Data was collected from 144 auto  parts  businesses in  Thailand by questionnaire mail survey. The statistics  for  data  analysis  were  the  distribution  of  frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation analysis, and hypothesis test by the ordinary least square regression. The results reveal that four dimensions of  best  management  accounting  practice (effective  cost  management,  performance  evaluation  fairness,  financial  disclosure  transparency,  and  modern  management  technique  integration) positively  affected  on  operational  excellence  outstanding  and  decision-making effectiveness. On the other hand, budgetary collaboration  focus was  no influence on two variables. Besides, operational  excellence outstanding positively affected on decision making effectiveness and  sustainable  business  growth.  In addition, decision making effectiveness positively affected on sustainable business growth. Theoretical, professional contributions, conclusion and directions for future research are clearly reported.


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How to Cite

Ratanasongtham, W. . (2021). Impact of Best Management Accounting Practice on Operational Excellence Outstanding, Decision Making Effectiveness and Sustainable Business Growth of Auto Parts Businesses in Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 13(3), 210–228. Retrieved from



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