Reverse Cultural Shock, Openness to Experience, Social Support, and Motivational Cultural Intelligence among Chinese Business interns returning to China after studying in Thailand


  • I-Wen CHOU Faculty of Chinese International College, Dhurakij Pundit University
  • Puthep Prapagorn Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Thepsatri Rajabhat University


                    While Motivational cultural intelligence (CQ) is commonly used to explore international employees' prospective behavior and efficiency once abroad, there are few papers among international Chinese interns in the Thai academic field. Thus, this research aims to determine the relationship between Cultural Intelligence, Openness to experience, Social Support (friends, family, and significant others). Participants were 120 Chinese business interns who have studied abroad in Thailand for two years and returned to China after studying abroad. This study conducted online questionnaires (N=117) and Semi-structured Interviews (N=3). Multiple linear regression, and then came to the results: 1) Openness to experience has a significant positive effect on Motivational CQ. 2) Social Support-significant others (supervisor) has a significant positive effect on and Motivational CQ. 3) Social Support-friends has a significant negative effect on Motivational CQ. 4) Social support-family does not have a significant effect on Motivational CQ. 5) Time of studying abroad in Thailand and Motivational CQ do not exist significant difference. 6) Chinese students do not have Reserve Cultural Shock when they had studied several years overseas in Thailand and return to China. This study discussed limitations and future study directions as well. This study provides references for the companies to formulate appropriate strategies and enhance the employees' Motivational Cultural intelligence and Reverse cultural adaption.


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How to Cite

CHOU, I.-W., & Prapagorn, P. . (2021). Reverse Cultural Shock, Openness to Experience, Social Support, and Motivational Cultural Intelligence among Chinese Business interns returning to China after studying in Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 14(1). Retrieved from



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