Reduction of Weight Error in Packing Process of Modified Tapioca Starch with the application of Lean Six Sigma and Green Supply Chain Concept
Weight Error, Packing Process, Modified Tapioca Starch, Lean Six Sigma, Green Supply ChainAbstract
Reduction of weight error is important for the cost of packing process, so it is necessary to find ways to reduce errors and its potential impact on the environment. The research aims to propose ways to reduce Weight error in the modified tapioca starch packing process by applying the Lean Six Sigma and Green supply chain concept. The research methodology is mixed method, collecting data with participatory observations, In-depth Interview, focus group discussions from 16 key informants, and analyzing Weight error in 300 samples of packages. The processes were analyzed with SIPOC in conjunction with supply chain concept, flowing process charts, and activity value analysis. The capability of the process and structural equation models were examined as well. The results showed that Weight error occurred during the preparation of bag of starch, setting parameters, and packing starch into the bags. When measuring the process capability, it was found to be below the standard (Cpk=0.1). The factors causing Weight error was analyzed using structural equation model (SEM). The empirical evidence was in a good level. (χ2/df =0.899, GFI = 0.966, NFI = 0.953, TLI = 1.009, CFI= 1.000 และ RMSEA = 0.000). Guideline for reducing Weight error in the packing process has been anticipated. It was found that Weight error was reduced from 1.25% to 0.001% as well as the cost that reduced from 112,495,800 Baht to 111,089,602 Baht per annum. The researchers therefore suggested the entrepreneurs to focus on Weight error to reduce the cost of packing processes, which is beneficial for business management.
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