Community Participation on Development of Homestay Business Management followed by the Guidelines of Community Tourism OTOP Nawat Witee: A Case Study of Moo 10 Khao Samo Khon Subdistrict, Tha Wung District, Lop Buri Province


  • Sukunya Phayungsin Management Science Faculty, Thepsatri Rajbhat University
  • จิราวรรณ สมหวัง คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเทพสตรี


Community Participation, Homestay Business Management, Community Tourism OTOP Nawat Witee


The purposes of this research were to 1) study the context and potential of community for homestay business management followed by the guidelines of community tourism OTOP Nawat Witee: a case Study of moo 10 Khao Samo Khon subdistrict, Tha Wung district, Lop Buri province, and 2) develop the homestay business management practice followed by the guidelines of community tourism OTOP Nawat Witee: a case Study of moo 10 Khao Samo Khon subdistrict, Tha Wung district, Lop Buri province. The key informants, who were in the focus group, in-Depth interview, and community forum, consisted of community leaders, community representatives, entrepreneurs, and officers from community development office of Tha Wung district. Qualitative data was analyzed in terms of content analysis. Research findings demonstrated that community leaders and residents had the desire and willingness to collaborate for the achievement on community development followed by the guidelines of community tourism OTOP Nawat Witee in accordance with their wisdoms, cultures, community lifestyles, and attractive places. It was essential for them to have the support from public sectors such as community development office of Tha Wung district, Tha Wung subdistrict administrative Organization, Tha Wung subdistrict municipality, and Rajabhat Thepsatri university. There four homestay business management strategies for moo 10 Khao Samo Khon subdistrict, Tha Wung district, Lop Buri province. First, the SO strategies were 1) collaboration and alliance building, and 2) community-based tourism development. Second, WO strategies were 1) public relation strategy, and 2) tourism health and hygiene standards strategy. Third, ST strategy was a tourists’ perception strategy. Forth, WT strategy was a community-based tourism database strategy.


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How to Cite

Phayungsin, S. ., & สมหวัง จ. (2021). Community Participation on Development of Homestay Business Management followed by the Guidelines of Community Tourism OTOP Nawat Witee: A Case Study of Moo 10 Khao Samo Khon Subdistrict, Tha Wung District, Lop Buri Province. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 13(3), 170–187. Retrieved from



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