Causal relationships shared among Management strategy, Growth, and Sustainable Business Practices of Public limited Companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand


  • สายพิณ ปั้นทอง สถาบันการจัดการปัญญาภิวัฒน์


Management strategy, Growth, Sustainability


In this article, we’ll explore and discuss the results of this research on the causal relationship shared among management strategy, growth, and sustainability of public limited companies under groups registered in The Stock Exchange of Thailand collects data from 800 employees of 4 public limited companies under the groups registered in The Stock Exchange of Thailand, and employs a structural equation modeling from AMOS software. The results of this study found that the level of management strategy, growth, and sustainability reveals the know-how, skills of the leaders, teams; as well as the organizational culture, all influence the growth of public limited companies. These three factors can be used to accurately predict growth and sustainability: leadership skills, teamwork, and organizational culture. This study’s findings can be applied to other organizations by focusing on the aforementioned 3 main factors: the leadership skills and teamwork that shape the overall organizational culture of a company, as they are the most crucial factors influencing a company’s future growth and sustainability. 


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How to Cite

ปั้นทอง ส. (2021). Causal relationships shared among Management strategy, Growth, and Sustainable Business Practices of Public limited Companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 14(2), 161–182. retrieved from



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