Tourists’ Behavior and Willingness to Pay for Tourism in Noen Hom Community Enterprise, Mueang District, Prachinburi Province


  • Thichakorn Kasornbua Faculty of Business Administration and Service Industry, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North


Willingness to Pay, Community Enterprise, Tourism Activities


This research aimed at studying tourist’s travel behavior, moreover, willingness to pay the tourism activity fee for the cycling tour and Ban Noen Hom community tour. The questionnaire was a tool for data collecting from a sample, 300 cases of tourists visiting Ban Noen Hom district. Data analysis of tourist’s travel behavior used frequency and percentage and willingness to pay used binary logistic regression analysis.

As a result of tourist’s travel behavior, the tourists preferred; nature touring on weekends, a group of 2-5 travelers, and one day trip. There was a traveling expense of 1,000 – 3,000 Baht. In general, the tour was in January – March, with family, and traveled by private vehicle. Regarding willingness to pay the tourism activity fee, the tourists were willing to pay the activity fee for the group of 10, 20, and 30 travelers as 87.33, 93, and 94 percent. Researching binary logistic regression analysis found that the logistic regression equation could predict willingness to pay the tourism activity fee for 10, 20, and 30 travelers as 36.8, 39.1, and 52.2 percent. Furthermore, the tour expense of group 10 and 20 travelers influenced willingness to pay tourism activity fee with statistical significance at 0.05 and 0.10 accordingly. Concerning Exp , the tourist dealing with the increase of traveling expense from lower than 1,000 Baht to 1,000-3,000 Baht tended to pay less traveling expense.


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How to Cite

Kasornbua, . T. . (2021). Tourists’ Behavior and Willingness to Pay for Tourism in Noen Hom Community Enterprise, Mueang District, Prachinburi Province. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 14(2), 85–103. Retrieved from



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