The Development of Application for OTOP Product Packaging Design to Marketing Promotion


  • Rawiphon Charunphankasem Faculty of Mass communication Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon
  • Daranee Thanyasiri Faculty of Mass communication Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Phra Nakhon


Application, OTOP product packaging, Marketing promotion


 The objectives of this article are 1) to study entrepreneurs' needs regarding packaging 2) to study product consumer's needs regarding packaging 3) to study guidelines in developing a mobile and web application for designing packaging 4) to synthesize an application framework for OTOP product packaging design for Marketing Promotion 5) to develop an application framework for OTOP product packaging design for Marketing Communication 6) to design an application OTOP product packaging design apps for Marketing Communication  7) to test the effectiveness of the OTOP product packaging design application to promote marketing. and 8) to find the satisfaction of entrepreneurs with the use of OTOP product packaging design applications for Marketing Communication. This was a mixed method research. Population and sample were entrepreneurs and consumers of 400 samples in in the central region, Saraburi Province.

The results found that the needs of entrepreneurs regarding packaging was a unique packaging design. Product packaging must be easy to transport and carry.  And the application must be convenient to use. An application development was to help entrepreneurs in packaging design overall, the opinions of experts are very good. (= 4.72, S.D.= 0.32) There are results of testing the performance of the operator assistance application in packaging design (80.83/81.45) which meets the specified criteria. And satisfaction of the application was to help entrepreneurs in packaging design at a very good level       (= 4.78, S.D. = 0.24).


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How to Cite

Charunphankasem, R. . ., & Thanyasiri, D. . (2021). The Development of Application for OTOP Product Packaging Design to Marketing Promotion. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 14(1). Retrieved from



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