The Impact of Social Commerce Construct and Relationship Quality on Social Commerce Intention


  • Phusit Wonglorsaichon
  • Rawida Wiriyakitjar Business School, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce


Social Commerce Construct, Relationship Quality, Social Commerce Intention


 The purpose of this study is to ascertain the impact of social commerce construct and relationship quality on social commerce intention. The methodology used for this study is quantitative approach. There were social commerce platform users who have purchased products/services via Facebook, Instagram, Line, and Twitter as the research population. Electronic questionnaires were collected from 573 respondents. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviation, and structural equation model (SEM) by using LISREL software.

        From the analysis of the causal relationship model of social commerce intention, it was found that the model fits well with the empirical data determined from the chi-square value. With 0.05 significance level, the main hypothesis was not rejected. Therefore, the developed theoretical hypothesis model is consistent with the empirical data.

        With the social commerce intention’s coefficient of multiple determination (R-Square) of the structure equation, it shows that predictive variables or causal factors, social commerce structure and correlation quality explains the variance of social commerce intention. According to influence values in the form of a standardized score of predictive variables or causal factors of intention to use social commerce services, they can be seen that 1) social commerce structures have an impact in the positive direction on the intention to use social commerce services with 0.05 significance level 2) the relationship quality had the highest overall positive influence on the intention to use social commerce services with 0.05 significance level.


สำนักงานพัฒนาธุรกรรมทางอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ (องค์การมหาชน). (2563). รายงานผลการสำรวจ พฤติกรรมผู้ใช้อินเทอร์เน็ตในประเทศไทย ปี 2563. ค้นเมื่อ 1 มีนาคม 2564, จาก

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How to Cite

Wonglorsaichon, P., & Wiriyakitjar, R. (2021). The Impact of Social Commerce Construct and Relationship Quality on Social Commerce Intention. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 14(2), 183–197. retrieved from



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