Effects of Information Exposure, Financial Literacy, and Economic Conditions on Personal Financial Planning Behavior for Working Age Population in Chon Buri Province


  • Somboon Saraphat Faculty of Management Sciences, Kasetsart University Sriracha Campus
  • นภาพร หงษ์ภักดี Ubon ratchathani Business School, Ubon Ratchathani University
  • Surbpong Hongpukdee Ubon ratchathani Business School, Ubon Ratchathani University
  • Sitthidej Bamrungsap Faculty of Management Sciences, Kasetsart University Sriracha Campus


Information Exposure, Financial Literacy, Economic Conditions, Personal Financial Planning


This research aims to analyze the effects of information exposure, financial literacy and economic conditions on personal financial planning. The sample group in this research was 400 working age population in Chonburi Province. Data were collected by using questionnaires.
The descriptive statistics used were percentage, mean, arithmetic. Standard deviation and inferential statistics used were the Multiple Regression Analysis: MRA. The research showed that information exposure, financial literacy, and economic conditions have positive relationship with personal financial planning at significant level of 0.05.


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How to Cite

Saraphat, S. ., หงษ์ภักดี น., Hongpukdee, S. ., & Bamrungsap, S. . (2021). Effects of Information Exposure, Financial Literacy, and Economic Conditions on Personal Financial Planning Behavior for Working Age Population in Chon Buri Province. Journal of Accountancy and Management, 14(1). Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/mbs/article/view/250543



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